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(173/185) 384 - Identifying identical files

See [Identifying identical files](http:// in my diffultils feature request.

I propose to incorporate the similar feature also into jDiff.

I could show a list of sublists to which the "different" relation splits a set of buffers (either the set of all opened buffers or also (on user option) the list of a choosen subset of all buffers). It should be easy to show the dual diff for every two buffers in the entire set of compared buffers: show the set of partions of the set of all compared buffers and make it easy to choose of them two for comparison.

Submitted porton - 2017-03-12 19:46:24.521000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2017-03-12 19:51:02.328000

Also please make it work together with

2019-07-19 21:00:21.576000

I think this would be better done in the PMD/CPD plugin. CPD is the Copy/Paste Detector that is part of PMD and does a good job of finding duplicate code across files and directories. It would probably be a somewhat small change to the CPD display code to show duplicate code side-by-side similar to JDiff, but without the diffing tools.